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Cabin Chic: Eastern White Pine Furniture by Black Forest Decor

Black Forest Eastern White Pine Furniture 1

The soft to medium density and fine, straight grain of Eastern White Pine makes it an ideal material for furniture making. This sustainable softwood takes stain beautifully and allows woodworkers to achieve incredible ornamental details. Black Forest Decor makes a range of furniture items including coat racks, chairs, bar stools, cupboards and more out of Eastern White Pine.

Black Forest Eastern White Pine Furniture 2

Full of rustic charm, these pieces would fit right in at a cabin, farmhouse or casual country home – or bring a little bit of that feel into more contemporary spaces. The antique stain brings out all of the knots and character in the pine. Many of these furniture and decor items are printed with wilderness scenes.

Black Forest Eastern White Pine Furniture 3

Eastern White Pines produce the most valuable softwood lumber in the Eastern United States, and furniture-grade pine is largely smooth with just enough knots to give it that outdoorsy character. The size, ease of use and wide availability of Eastern White Pine has made it a historic furniture material in the U.S. since the first colonists arrived in New England.

Black Forest Eastern White Pine Furniture 4

See more at Black Forest Decor.


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