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Dreaming of a Timber Frame Home: Truss Styles

Timber Frame Home Truss Styles

A truss is a basic architectural component of a timber frame structure, spanning the length or width of the building to bear heavy loads. They’re also often highly decorative, adding a lot of character to the overall look. In fact, the type of truss chosen can make the difference between a timber frame home that’s spare, simple and rustic to a structure reminiscent of a cathedral. These five basic truss types are offered by most timber frame home builders, but they’re just the beginning. You can get creative with the design, making it ideal for your needs.

King Truss

Timber Frame King Truss

This is one of the most basic of truss styles for timber frame construction, and can include curved or raised bottom chords.

Queen Truss

Timber Frame Queen Truss

Queen truss differs from the king style in that it features two main posts instead of one, making larger spans possible using shorter timbers. It’s also more decorative.

Scissor Truss

Timber Frame Scissor Truss

This style helps solve a common problem: when one supporting wall is a different height than the other. Angled chords overlap the king post in the center.

Bridge Truss

Timber Frame Bridge Truss

Parallel chords are used to create the bridge truss, which features top and bottom chords running lengthwise through the structure rather than across the width.

Collar Tie

Timber Frame Collar Tie Truss

This most basic, frills-free truss style consists of a single horizontal beam across the width of the structure.

Images via: New Energy Works, High Country Timber Frame,, Precision Craft (main image)


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