NELMA’s Fall Golf Tournament and Board of Directors Meeting was held September 24 & 25 in Kennebunkport, Maine. A total of 121 Association members and guests attended all or part of the planned activities. Activities began with NELMA’s Annual Golf Tournament where 75 golfers participated in a scramble-style format. Founded in 1901 and located within the historic Kennebunk Beach area, the Webhannet Golf Club hosted this year’s tournament in picture-perfect New England fall weather. The evening’s Chairman’s Reception and
Dinner at the Nonantum Resort followed the day of golf.
To view assorted photos from the Golf Tournament, click here
Day Two activities began with pre-Board of Directors Meeting presentations, with the first introducing the new partnership between NELMA and Connected Health, an online platform that will provide Association members with health insurance options for their employees and help companies meet the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. Ken LeGendre of Willis Company and Jessica Stacy of Connected Health provided details regarding this new program. Next on the agenda, the semi-annual economic forecast, presented by Paul Jannke of Forest Economic Advisors (FEA), titled “Softwood Lumber Markets Stumbled in 2015. What Happened to the Recovery and Can We Expect it to get Back on Track in 2016?”
The Fall event concluded with the Board of Directors meeting, where updates and status reports on NELMA’s Inspection Programs, the Association’s financial reports, and the Norway Spruce lumber testing project were provided. Additional discussions were held regarding the proposed 2016 NELMA budget (approved as presented) and a full review of the current Association Spring/Fall meeting structure. Two updates were provided prior to meeting adjournment; Zoltan van Heyningen, Executive Director of the U.S. Lumber Coalition gave an update regarding the quickly approaching expiration of the Softwood Lumber Agreement, followed by Alden Robbins, the Northeastern representative to the Softwood Lumber Board, who presented information on SLB’s ongoing programs and activities.
NELMA would like to thank the Fall Meeting Sponsors whose support and generosity help make this event a success: Eagle Level (Seaboard International and Irving Forest Products), Birdie Level (Hancock Lumber), Golf Cart Sponsor (USNR), Crying Towel Sponsor (Eastern Insurance), Sponsor of the Golf Balls (Durgin & Crowell), Individual Hole Sponsors (Connected Health, Diorio Forest Products, Madison Lumber Mill, Pennsylvania & Indiana Lumbermens’ Insurance, Timber Trading, and Woodbrowser), Golf Prize Sponsors (Green Light Forest Products, P. DiPrizio Lumber, Robbins Lumber, and Softwood Buyer), Putting Contest Sponsors (Davis & Towle Insurance Group and Sandy Neck Traders), and PubNELMA (H.E. Smith and DiPrizio Pine Sales).
NELMA’s 2016 Annual Convention will be held April 28 * 29 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston.