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NELMA Shipments of Lumber Sets Seven-Year High

Lumber shipments from NELMA’s member mills for the calendar year 2013 ended up the highest since detailed recordsShipments by YearShipments by Yearbecame available in 2007. A total of 847 million board feet (MMBF) was sent to the marketplace in 2013, eclipsing the 2007 shipment high-mark of 826 MMBF. Last year saw 444 MMBF of dimension lumber, primarily of the SPFs species grouping, and 403 MMBF of Eastern White Pine delivered to Total Shipments by Yearcustomers from January to December. This total was 6.2% more than the previous calendar year 2012, which included an increase of 4.8% for dimension lumber and 7.7% more for Eastern White Pine.

For details, click on the image thumbnail to the right to view graphics that include a summary for 2007-2013 along with detailed monthly volumes for Dimension Lumber and Eastern White Pine for the same time period.




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