A charming house on Lake Joseph in Canada gets a warm, cozy and welcoming feel with shiplap pine interior siding, a classic choice for coastal residences. Residential design firm Kelly Baron gave this summer residence a green renovation, adding additional square footage, a boat house and paneling that unifies the entire space and establishes a casual, timeless ambiance.
Shiplap siding consists of long, typically horizontal overlapping panels that tend to result in a very watertight structure, making it a popular choice for places with harsh climates for centuries. Used in an interior, it offers texture and pattern as well as a sense of craftsmanship.
In this residence, it’s used on the walls and ceiling throughout, including the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. An open window in the bedroom looks into the vanity area of the bathroom, which gets lots of natural light and complementary modern fixtures.
In the kitchen, handcrafted pine cabinets complete the look.