Students – Resources


Information abdout the industry, people and technology that make it a sustainable design option.

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Skyscraper Cabin: Crazy Dr. Seuss House Stretches Into the Sky

Nicknamed the Dr. Seuss Tower by nearby residents who can see ...

Transparent Wood: What Can’t This Material Do?

You read that right: there is now a way to make ...

World’s Tallest Timber Tower Currently Under Construction in Vancouver

It looks as if Vancouver, B.C. could become home to the ...

This Week in Wood: Entire Timber Town in the Works for Sweden

Forget wooden skyscrapers – now entire towns are set to be ...

Sky-High Timber Tower Project Successfully Passes Strength Testing

Skepticism that super-tall wood structures can ever be as strong as ...

Celebrating Eastern White Pine: Maine’s Enduring Love for Its State Tree

Spotting towering Eastern White Pine trees in the forests and on ...

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Cave-Like Hotel Features a Sculptural All-Wood Interior

All-wooden architecture is almost as old as humanity itself, but chances are, you’ve never seen anything quite like this before. The Wooden Cave is one ...

Church Made of Slatted Pine Lets the Sunshine Stream Inside

It may not have any windows, but “Sun-Pu Church” certainly isn’t lacking in light. Designed by Tokyo-based architect Taira Nishizawa and constructed in Shizuoka, Japan, ...

Stunning Black Oil Stained Pine Gives This House a Dramatic Edge

Painting a wall, ceiling or even the exterior of your house black is definitely a bold choice. But designers’ love affair with black-stained pine is ...

Sustainable Forestry Gives Songbirds a Place to Nest

New York resident Bruce Cushing is exactly the kind of private forest owner the Audubon has in mind for its “Woods, Wildlife and Warblers” program. ...

Wooden Wonders: Check Out This Timber-Lined Library Design

Why just showcase a grand collection of books when you could use the opportunity to create a new wooden wonder, too? A new library in ...

These Awesome Adirondack Chairs Dispense Beer and Wine

One Michigan woodworker is producing some of the coolest, most unique Adirondack chairs you’ve ever seen. Matt Thompson pairs traditional craftsmanship and furniture silhouettes with ...