The latest issue of The White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs is now available from the Association, the eleventh issue published since their rebirth in 2006. Volume 26, No. 1 is titled, The Next Generation: Architecture Students Design to Feature Eastern White Pine, and puts focus on NELMA’s Sustainable Versatility Design Competition.
The winning designs from the past 3 years are showcased within the issue, including details of each project and the thought process of the student that inspired their work. A different criteria set for each year’s competition challenged the student architect’s creativity:
- 2012: What’s small and made of wood – Design a free-standing structure, 600 square feet maximum size.
- 2013: Re-image the use of Eastern White Pine in a classroom.
- 2014: Feature the use of Eastern White Pine as part of a sustainable modern structure.
Visual images that were an integral part of the student’s submission are included in each article. Members of the Association and subscribers to the publication will receive this latest issue in the coming weeks.
The competition’s objective is to challenge students to think of wood as the ultimate renewable and sustainable construction material, one with an unsurpassed proven performance record and with the versatility to satisfy any of today’s designs. “With the increasing number of competition registrations since its inception, we firmly believe this activity is meeting our goals and will continue to expand moving forward”, stated Jeff Easterling, President of NELMA.
Details regarding the 2015 Sustainable Versatility Competition will go out later this month to more than 75 architectural schools detailing the next student design challenge.
Please note that all past issues of the Monograph, including the original 99 published from 1915 to 1931, are available for reading online at NELMA’s website.