Wood Stories

Wood Stories

Information about the industry, people and technology that make it a sustainable design option

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Waechter Architecture completes “all-wood” building with steel jacket

DeeZeen.com recently profiled an “all-wood” commercial building in Portland, Oregon which claims to be the first commercial building in Oregon to “use mass timber construction for ...

Locally-sourced wood and traditional Japanese joinery create beautiful horse stable

A new article on DesignBoom features a newly constructed horse stable in Kyoto, Japan, called 2M26, designed by Umagoya. NELMA has profiled other horse barns, ...

New York farm with collection of “cousin” wood-clad buildings

Architecture firm Worrell Yeung has designed a farm in upstate New York featuring a cluster of wood-clad buildings. The structures are arranged in a way ...

Earth, Wood, and Dumplings

Tokyo-based firm Tono Mirai Architects recently completed a sustainable project named after a dumpling. The project is called Oyaki Farm, which is a sustainable agricultural facility ...

Wood: The Breakout Star of Architecture

A new Bloomberg Green Timber Town series looks at the rise and climate-boosting potential of wood, something we’ve been saying for years.  But the rise of ...

The multi-verse of homes.

  “There’s a lot to be said for forward-thinking designs that aim to be flexible and adaptableso that in the near future, they might be ...